• Dr Carol Adib - Brisbane Dermatologist

07 3871 3988

Common Skin Conditions

Most dermatological conditions present with a rash. Dr Adib is an expert in treating rashes. A rash usually presents as inflammation and redness of the skin, commonly associated with an itch. Rashes may be scaly, smooth, lumpy or associated with blisters. The causes are numerous and can be difficult to ascertain at a glance. Dermatology is a specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and management of rashes. Conditions of the hair and nail also fall within the realm of dermatology as, often times, there are accompanying skin manifestations.

Dr Carol Adib is also an expert in the recognition of skin cancers. They are often varied in appearance and may be difficult to recognise.


Eczema is also known as Atopic Dermatitis. It is an inflammatory condition of the skin associated with an itch. Eczema manifests with skin redness, scaling and sometimes ill-defined raised areas known as papules which are easily traumatised on scratching. Eczema is common in children, however can also manifest in adulthood as a new presentation. Most sufferers of eczema are sensitive or intolerant to a variety of environmental agents, such as grasses, pollen, animal fur, certain foods, perfumes and preservatives found in everyday life.

Currently there is a variety of treatment for eczema, however there is, as yet, not a cure. Learning to prevent and control your eczema is important; this means knowing what medication to use for each degree of severity. Treatment for eczema ranges from simple creams and lotions, to tablets, injections and phototherapy. Dr Carol Adib is the person to advise you on how best to manage your eczema.


Psoriasis is a rash with a predilection for certain areas of the body. The elbows, knees, back of the scalp are typical areas. Fingernails and toenails may also become severely deformed in psoriasis. In some people, psoriasis affects only a single localised area, whereas in others, the entire body is involved. The appearance of psoriasis is one of a raised patch of reddened skin with abundant overlying white scale. Itch is variable. The course of psoriasis is unpredictable, often waxing and waning throughout life.

The treatment options for psoriasis are many, and the decision on which to employ depends on the severity of the condition, and your personal circumstance. Treatment ranges from old-fashioned topical tar creams, to steroid creams, agents specific for psoriasis, phototherapy, immunosuppressive drugs and biological agents. Treatment agents for psoriasis need to be continued long term, as psoriasis tends to be chronic.

Blistering Diseases of the Skin

A blister is a fluid-filled sac of variable size that is visible on the skin surface. An easy analogy is bubble-wrap filled with fluid. The content of a blister may be clear fluid, pus or blood. A very small blister is called a vesicle.

Often times, people report blisters when they actually mean raised patches of skin with a scaly surface. In its strict sense, a blister is a bleb of skin with a fluid-filled cavity.

There is a myriad of diseases which present with blisters. They range from simple skin infections like school sores to immune-mediated skin conditions. To obtain an accurate diagnosis of any blistering skin disease, a biopsy is almost always paramount. This enables distinction of one blistering disease from another, as often times, the resemblance between them is very close. Once a diagnosis is made, the appropriate medical treatment can be undertaken.

Urticaria / Hives

Urticaria is a common condition, with a distinct appearance of welts, or patches of raised inflamed skin that are intensely itchy. Classically, urticaria vanishes within 24 hours, and re-emerges on another area of skin; its disappearing and reappearing course often lasts days to weeks. It can sometimes develop into a chronic condition, lasting many months. It is the aim of Dr Carol Adib to ascertain the cause of the urticaria, and treat its symptoms.


Acne is a common problem, predominantly affecting teenagers and young adults in their social prime. It usually affects the face, chest and back of teenagers, with inflamed pustules (whiteheads), comedones (blackheads) and cysts (painful lumps under the skin). Its severity ranges from mild to disfiguring. Left untreated, severe acne results in permanent scarring of the skin.

The cause of acne is multifactorial. It's treatment, therefore is multifaceted, from targeting hormonal balance, skin keratinisation and sebaceous production to the bacterial milieu of the skin. Dr Adib will discuss treatment options; you can then make an informed choice of treatment, keeping in mind that you are never 'locked-in' to whichever treatment you choose. If circumstances change even with a change of mind, another approach can be undertaken.

Brisbane Dermatologist

  07 3871 3988
  07 3871 0700

  8:00 am - 4:30 pm M-F

Suite 13, Level 10
Evan Thomson Building
Wesley Hospital
Chasely Street
Auchenflower QLD 4066

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